Software Developer: React, JavaScript, Python, Java

I recently finished vocational training at Lambda School to become a Full-Stack software developer. Check out my github to see some of my repositories, or check down below!

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Key Projects

Here are some of my more major projects that I've taken on over the course of my vocational training.

Game of Life

A simple recreation of the game of life with some small added features.

deployed demo View Repo

Potluck Planner (Front-End)

This was a colaborative project during my vocational training. This front end repo is the product of me and three other developers.

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Potluck Planner (Back-End)

An API designed to serve another teams Potluck Planner site. PostgreSQL database deployed through Heroku.

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A small project that pulls spells from the public dungeons and dragons API, and manages their stat through Redux

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